Homosexuality may begin in the womb…
Althea Hayton
After ten years of research into the physiology and psychology of womb twin survivors, I have come to the astonishing conclusion that homosexuality may be linked to prenatal twin loss (i.e. being a womb twin survivor). That is to say, it would appear that in each case homosexuality can be connected in some way to the life and death of their co-twin. This article will explore the various different manifestations of homosexuality. In each case I will attempt to explain homosexuality in terms of a particular prenatal story: the presence and eventual absence of a womb twin (or more than one.)
The womb twin survivor may spend his or her life in a perpetual search for their co-twin. That, I have come to believe, can be a reason for a homosexual relationship to develop. The homosexual partner as a surrogate twin.
Definition of terms
First of all, we must define our terms. The usual definition of the term “homosexual” is a sexual attraction to, or sexual relations with, persons of the same sex. I think most homosexuals would agree that their deep and intense feelings of attraction towards someone of the same sex is not always sexual, does not always involve sexual activity and may be based solely on a need for closeness, companionship and mutuality.
I prefer the term “same sex attraction” to describe the feelings that people can experience towards a member of the same sex, whether sexual activity is involved or not.
The sexual spectrum
It is misleading to say that there are two sexes. In fact there is a spectrum of sexual orientation between the two extremes of male and female. Where the phenotype (genetic make up) of a man or a woman is not expressed appropriately, then we can say that epigenetic factors have come into play to alter the expression of their genes.
Of course it can be that a person carries the genes of both sexes. This can be seen when chromosomes are examined under a microscope. A man may carry some female chromosomes in the cells of his body, or conversely a female may carry male chromosomes. This is a chimera. A chimera is created when twin embryos fuse. The fetus that develops carries two sets of genes, from two separate individuals. Where one is male and the other female, the result is a hermaphrodite.
There is great variation among hermaphrodites, in terms of sex organs. Some have two sets of sex organs, both male and female, but usually there is only one set and that is the gender adopted by the parents and eventually by the child. Where gender confusion still persists, the individual may wish to alter their sex organs surgically, take hormones and become a member of the oppose sex. Hermaphrodites are womb twin survivors - the lost twin, who exists only as a strange set of chromosomes, persists in every cell of their body.
An individual who carries chromosomes of both sexes will probably be confused about their true gender. For example, a woman may feel very manly, and be attracted to another woman in the same way as she would if she truly were a man. Likewise, a man may feel womanly and be as attracted to another man as a woman might be. It is a well-known fact that among homosexual couples there is often a Butch and a Femme, with the butch taking most of the archetypal male role and the femme taking most of the archetypal female role. This does not always apply however, for where two individuals are of equally mixed gender, the roles are easily interchangeable.
Intrauterine hormone transfer between dizygotic twins
My work with womb twin survivors has made clear that a significant number of them carry the energy of the opposite sex in some way, without being hermaphrodite. They may prefer to wear the clothing or have a hairstyle that is characteristic of the opposite sex. They may prefer activities usually reserved for the opposite sex: for instance a man may wear make up and want to have children, while a woman may like to wear men’s clothing and ride fast motor bikes for fun.
It is known that in a dizygotic (two-egg) twin pair where the two placentas have fused, there can be an exchange of hormones across the placental barrier. In that case, if the twins are born alive, the boy will be gentle and sensitive whereas the girl will be a tomboy. In the case where one twin dies in the womb, the womb twin survivor carries the gender energy of their twin.
Women with male energy will find their surrogate twin in a man with female energy and vice versa. It is common for heterosexual womb twin survivors to choose opposite-sex partners who resemble the energy make-up of their lost twin.
Same-sex twins
Now if the lost twin was the same sex, what then? Does it still apply that a womb twin survivor will be attracted to a surrogate twin? All the evidence gathered so far on the Womb Twin Survivors Research Project suggests that this is so. Their close friendships and intimate bonds tend to echo the nature of their lost twin.
For instance, where the twin is of the same sex, there is a felt need for a “best friend” of the same sex to act as the surrogate twin. A womb twin survivor who once had a same-sex twin often has a need for a very close and empathetic relationship with the parent of the same sex. Where that is missing, there is usually an exaggerated sense of painful disappointment.
The sole survivor of a monozygotic twin pair is in particular need of that deep, empathetic union with another person of the same sex. In the womb, the twin was alive long enough for a deep bond to be created. After the death of the twin, the search for a surrogate twin continues throughout life. It may be fulfilled by finding a partner who is a womb twin survivor who has a similar desire.
Later in life, with sexual maturity, the need for closeness and intimacy can spill over into a sexual relationship. In this case, each side of the partnership may carry a different prenatal story, as the next section of this article will demonstrate.
Womb mates of a different gender
The womb story can be very complex and involve the life and death of more than one womb mate. If we consider the fact that twins may be made of one egg or two, and also that there can be triplets or even quads, the commutations are almost too numerous to describe here.
One situation describes the homosexual relationship very well: two womb twin survivors meet. One is the sole survivor of a monozygotic twin pair, and as a result is seeking out an intimate friend of the same sex, but they also briefly had a triplet of the opposite sex, so they carry a little opposite sex energy. The other is a sole survivor of a dizygotic twin pair where their twin was of the opposite sex, but they also had a monozygotic twin, just for a brief time.
This combination can be seen in the story of Jack and Rob, who have lived together for more than fifteen years. Jack was once a policeman, a real macho male, and Rob was an unemployed labourer. Jack arrested Rob for some misdemeanour and fell in love with him. They moved in together and set up a beautiful home, with wonderful antiques and glittering chandeliers.
Rob takes the female role, often seen wearing an apron, looking after Jack and doing all the cooking and cleaning while Jack is very much in charge. However, his maleness is slightly tinged with a delicate sensitivity and vulnerability that he only allows Rob to see. After a brief initial period of sexual activity between them, their relationship is no longer sexual. They are very close companions, bonded for life, like twins.
This brief article can only sketch out a rough framework for what I believe could be a radical rethink on what lies behind same sex attraction. I hope that I have said enough to explain why I have come to the belief that many homosexual pairs consist of womb twin survivors in search of their surrogate twin.
This would be easy to test in a large population, using the checklists that I have prepared as a result of my research. (Download checklist here)